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  • Writer's pictureDeeAnna Hausske

The 10 easiest things to keep you healthy

Being healthy is a life long journey, it's an every day choice and a conscience effort to put good to get good out. For me it's a daily struggle between cookies, candy, pop corn, wine... you name it I love it!!!

1. Drink half your body weight in ounces

Ex. your weight 150 = 75 oz of water a day + 16 oz for every 30 minutes of exercise. Hate drinking water? No problem just add fruit and ice to sip on through out your day. Water helps to detox your body and keep all of your organs running smoothly.

2. Read your labels

The less ingredients the better, do you even know what half the ingredients are in the items you buy? Take a look at the ingredients list and google a few things on the back. You'll be surprised at what comes up. Why is it so important to look at the ingredients? Your body has a hard time processing that are not whole foods.

3. Move 30 minutes EVERY day

Get your sweat on for 30 minutes or longer at least once a day, its good for mind, body and soul.

4. Get to know your drinks

How many calories and grams of sugar does your favorite Starbucks drink have? You should find out before you order your next one. On the Starbucks app you are able to customize your drinks and see the nutritional information. How many soda do you drink in a day? Did you know 1/3 of added sugars consumed by adults comes from beverages? WHAT!!!

5. Journal your food

Most of us eat mindless through out our day, I know I have a tendency too, keeping a food journal is about bring awareness to everything you are putting into your body. Being mindful of what you are consuming and if it is good for you.

6. Listen to your body

When I eat to much sugar my body starts to feel sluggish, tired and depressed. How do different foods make you feel?

7. 8+ hours of sleep very night

Easier said than done, if you have kids, dog, boyfriend, husband, roommates anyone else living in your house with you its hard to get 8+ hours of sleep. Your body repair its self while you are sleeping, if you are working out a lot more you might need more sleep.

8. Minimize your stress levels

This is almost impossible, you can't always minimize your stress but you can change how you react to it. This is something yoga has helped me to do, its helped me to navigate calmly through the storm, well most of the time. Yoga and fitness are also big stress relievers and help with endorphins

9. On Sundays we meal prep

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail, so important to remember, I know that if I don't have the right ingredients in my kitchen when dinner comes, healthy dinners just don't happen. I do my best to plan out dinners and shop for them on Sunday. If I have extra time, I will pre-cut veggies, make up some healthy muffins or make a batch of chili for easy on the go meals.

Tip: I love adding avocado on top of my chili !!

10. Eat the rainbow

Your fridge should look like a rainbow throw up in it!! Seriously, eating a variety of natural veggies, grains and protein helps your body get what it needs. I usually eat 4-6 small meals day. This helps to jump start my metabolism and lets my body know food is always coming so it doesn't have to store it. It never gets boaring because there are so many different food and food combinations

Are there any other tips that help you stay on track with being healthy ?

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